Internal Quality AuditsDo you lack the qualified personnel to complete effective internal quality audits? A key element of any Quality Management System is the process of conducting Internal Quality Audits. Many organizations find that getting their internal audits completed on time is impossible. Even when the physical audit is conducted on schedule, the reports tend to be delayed or completely forgotten. Often auditors complaint that they just don't have the time for this 'extra' responsibilities and it detracts from their 'more important' regular daily activities. If your organization is falling into these auditing pitfalls, then Levy Quality Consulting is prepared to improve your Internal Quality Auditing process. We will team with your organization for all your internal auditing needs. We supply qualified Lead Auditors, you schedule the dates. Audits, reports and any required follow-up will be conducted according to your documented schedule, guaranteed! Supplier Quality AuditsDo find that your Supplier Audits are delinquent, incomplete, inadequate, behind schedule or non-existent? Do you lack the time or qualified personnel to conduct supplier audits? If so, then LQC has your solution. Our qualified consultants will conduct professional supplier audits based on your requirements and established schedule. Key Benefits
Contact us for more information on how we can improve your Internal and Supplier Quality Audit Systems.
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